  • 期刊


The Effects of a Smoking-cessation Program for Psychiatric Outpatients


本研究目的在探討門診精神病患,經由戒菸團體活動介入後其知識及態度前後改變情形。此研究採立意取樣法,於87年8月至12月,以中區某精神科療養院,同性質精神病患為研究對象,分為實驗組及控制級各22人,同時再將實驗組研究對象分為二梯次,每梯次各11工人,由研究者施予20分鐘菸害團體衛教及30分鐘戒菸支持性討論,共進行6次戒菸團體活動。團體衛教內容包括:「菸」對生理次心理影響並提供戒菸方法等。衛教過程則配合主題提供不同教材,包括戒菸海報、小冊子及吸菸小傻瓜等。團體衛教活動過程則由一名護理師負責全程記錄,將所得資料於量性分析方面以卡方檢定、配對t及t檢定作統計之分析;於質性分析方面以戒菸團體過程內容作主題歸類及團體發展過程互動之行為分析。 研究結果發現於質性方面,研究者在戒菸團體中安排詳實的教材及拒菸示範演練,不但讓學員對戒菸知識更能有深刻印象,更是增加實驗組戒菸知識的主要原因;於量性方面,在知識方面有正向效果,但態度上卻未達顯著效果。建議:精神病患戒菸衛教需考量病患病情穩定度,施予衛教必需採多元化,可以配合教材使用及角色扮演,以提升精神病患對菸害知識的瞭解。或許精神病患之戒菸意願及自我控制能力較一般人差;在態度方面,需長時間且持續性的活動,才可改變其吸菸態度。


The results showed that those in the experimental group demonstrated better knowledge of techniques for quitting smoking. Qualitative analysis revealed that the experimental group participants increased the knowledge about smoking abstinence but not their attitudes. Study findings suggest that smoking intervention programs should be individualized and the stability of the psychiatric patients' condition assessed prior to program participation. Multiple educational materials and role-play are needed during smoking intervention programs to improve understanding of the harmful effects of smoking. Most psychotic patients may have low motivation to quit smoking and less self-control than mentally healthy people. Thus, they may need more time and persistent effort to change their attitudes about smoking. The purpose of this study was to understand the knowledge and attitude changes of psychotic outpatients after participating in a smoking cessation intervention. Convenience sampling was used to collect data from 44 same diagnosis patients at a psychiatric center in central Taiwan. Data were collected from October 1 to December 31, 1998. Twenty-two patients were randomly assigned to the experimental and 22 to the control group. Patients in the experimental group were divided into 2 groups and attended 6 sessions on smoking abstinence. Sessions included 20 minutes of instruction on the hazards of smoking and 30 minutes of support group discussion. Additionally, posters, pamphlets, and the ”smoking dummy” were used to enhance the effect of smoking cessation. One nurse was trained to record activities during group intervention. The quantitative data were analyzed using chi-square and t-test. For the qualitative data, themes were categorized and group interactions were analyzed after each session.


