  • 期刊


Reduce the Incidence of Falls during Inpatient Rehabilitation




In the rehabilitation department, the incidence of falls in the period from January to May 2018 was 0.11%, 66.7% were damage falls with one serious fall injury, leading to an increase in hospital stay. The purpose of the project was to reduce the incidence of falls and incidence of the damage fall in inpatients in rehabilitation department through teamwork cooperation. The questionnaire analysis showed that the reasons for falls included lack of a multi-language rehabilitation related fall prevention instruction, lack of a form for assessing caregiver's fall prevention skills, insufficient fall prevention environment and equipment. The project was implemented during 2018/6/1~10/31. The strategies included producing a multi-language rehabilitation specific fall prevention instruction, creating a form to assess caregiver's skills in fall prevention, providing education and training courses and seminars, promoting safety in inpatient environment, and improve fall prevention equipment. The results showed that the incidence of falls decreased from 0.11% to 0.10%, and the proportion of damage fall decreased to 20% with no serious fall injury. The project was determined to be effective in improving the safety of hospitalization and the quality of care for rehabilitation patients.


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