  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience of Caring a Post-trauma Young Adult Receiving Left Below Knee Amputation




青年創傷 截肢


A person who encountered amputation had to deal with permanent bodily impairment. With the unexpected accident, it brought significant impacts on patient's life and interpersonal relationship and resulted in great frustration and feeling of inferiority. This paper described the nursing experience of caring a 20-year-old young adult who received left below knee amputation due to trauma. The nursing period began from April 9^(th) to May 11^(th) of 2018. Whilst Gordon eleven Function Health Patterns was administered, the data collection was subjectively and objectively conducted via observation, listening, interview, body assessment, and medical record review for analysis. It indicated that the patient suffered from physical and psychological trauma with comorbidity of acute pain, body image disturbance, and bodily function impairments. During the medical care, means of relaxation were applied to reduce pain level with caring and psychological support. In order to make the patient accept his physical change, a well supporting network was built between the medical team and patient's family to enable the patient to handle amputation with a positive attitude and to adapt to patient's daily life. It was my first clinical experience to provide nursing care to an amputated patient; therefore, I looked forward to sharing my experience to nurses on first line caring similar patients.


Young Adult Trauma Amputation


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