  • 期刊


Nursing Care for Patients with Postoperative Ileus After Abdominal Surgery


約有10%~30%腹部手術患者會出現手術後腸阻塞(postoperative ileus, POI),是一種暫時性胃腸道活動功能障礙,POI會延遲術後恢復、延長住院天數及增加醫療費用的支出。因此,針對腹部手術的患者,促進手術後胃腸道功能恢復,是重要課題。本文就腹部手術患者POI之定義、診斷標準、生理病理機轉、預防及治療做介紹。提升臨床醫護人員對於腹部手術患者之POI的相關概念及照護進一步的認識,提供患者更優質的健康照護。


About 10%-30% of patients who underwent abdominal surgery suffer from postoperative ileus (POI), which is a transient dysfunction of gastrointestinal. POI can delay postoperative recovery, prolong hospital stay, and increase medical expenses. Therefore, improving the recovery of gastrointestinal function in patients after abdominal surgery is an important topic. This paper introduces the definition, diagnostic criteria, pathophysiology mechanism, prevention and treatment of POI to enhance the understanding of clinical nursing staff regarding POI-related concepts and nursing care for patients undergoing abdominal surgery so they can provide high quality health care.


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