  • 期刊


Nursing Experience of Caring a Hydrocephalus Patient after Intracranial Hemorrhage




This article described the experience of caring a patient with post-traumatic hydrocephalus after intracranial hemorrhage. During the care of period from April 10 to 18, we found that the patient had health problems including impaired swallowing, impaired physical mobility, and decreased intracranial adaptive capacity using Gorden's 11 functional health patterns assessments. In terms of impaired swallowing, the author instructed the caregiver using eating and drinking strategy to decrease choking. In addition, the author instructed primary caregiver to help the patient perform a range of motion exercises and make a rehabilitation plan for helping patient get out of the bed by using high back wheelchair with medical team. The author closely monitored consciousness of the patient and neurological status for decreased intracranial adaptive capacity. Because of nursing intervention, provided by the author, the patient's outcome as follow: no choking, signs of aspiration pneumonia, weight loss and malnutrition with impaired swallowing, no muscle contracture and rigidity with impaired physical mobility, and no abnormal in neurological status or increased intracranial pressure with decreased intracranial adaptive capacity. This care experience can provide a reference for nurses to manage patients with post-traumatic hydrocephalus after intracranial hemorrhage to improve quality of nursing care.


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