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Nursing Experience of Caring for a Patient with Glioblastoma Recurrence




According to statistics, glioblastoma has the fastest course of deterioration, the average survival rate of the disease is about 15-18 months. This article describes the care experience of a patient with glioblastoma recurrence. The cases in their prime years were faced with hemiplegia caused by the disease and worries about the future. The physiological and psychological problems caused by the disease cause nursing motivation. The first author taking care of the patient from March 31, to April 29, 2019. By means of physical assessment, interviews, observation techniques and Gordon 11 function health pattern to collect data. Consequently, three nursing problems were identified: pain, impaired physical mobility, and anxiety. During the nursing period, use music therapy, relaxation techniques, comfortable positioning, massage and creating a comfortable sleeping environment to relive pain during your treatment, and design a one-day exercise schedule using physical training programs and muscle relaxation methods that incorporate everyday activities. By reviewing the meaning of life therapy and combining with the specialty of the case, it helps the case to find out self-worth. Through the exertion of family support system and religious support, the case can face the problem positively and overcome the anxiety of the disease. With the development of multi-language version, it will be more convenient to establish a multi lingual database for clinical practice. Hope this experience can as a reference for those nurses who taking care the similar patients.


Glioblastoma pain impaired physical mobility anxiety


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