  • 期刊


Research on Hong Ci-Sheng's Utopian Poetry, Narrating a Transitional World


洪棄生,生於清同治5年(1866),卒於民國17年(1928),享年63歲。本名攀桂,官章一枝,字月樵。日據後改名繻,字棄生,台灣彰化鹿港人。為清末至日據時期,台灣古典詩之大家。兼擅各體詩,風格饒美,其詩苟置之有清詩作之林,亦足稱名家。其中以諷諭詩為大宗,所詠者多關乎清末至日據初期時事之大者。其作品全集類有《洪棄生先生遺書》。 洪氏遭逢晚清國勢陵夷,列強侵侮中國與台灣割日之痛,其遊仙詩常以「憂世」、「遊世」為主題,因人間世的憂煩遂生遊觀彼世的渴望,反映當時傳統士紳的生存困境與抉擇。因此,本文討論洪氏遊仙詩的世變書寫,尤其是其「變」的詩學意涵,印證其詩作,揭舉其書寫方式與書寫內容。 論述重點依序為:一、緒論。二、「『變』的詩學意涵」,分析其「『變雅詩說』及『創作詩史』的心志」、「遊仙詩的書寫方式」,闡發因憂生憂世而激發對神仙世界的想像,以紓解生存的憂憤。三、「世變書寫之一-此界與他界」、「世變書寫之二-仕隱情懷」二節援用世代認同、深層心理意識等觀點探析詩的意境,探討現實世界與想像的烏托邦所寓含的士大夫意識與精神。四、結論闡述台灣傳統士紳的文化理念與其人詩作的成就。




Hong Qi-Sheng, who was born in the 5(superscript th) year of Tong Zhih during the Qing Dynasty (1866) and died in the 17(superscript th) year of the Republic of China (1928), lived for 63 years in Lugang, Changhua, Taiwan. Hong Qi-Sheng's real name was Pan-Guei, Yi Zhih was his governmental title and Yue-Qiao was his Zih (courtesy name). After the Japanese occupation, he changed his name into Ru and his Zili into Qi-Sheng. Hong Qi-Sheng was a master of Taiwanese classic poetry in the end of the Qing Dynasty and during the Japanese Colonization period. He also mastered all kinds of poetic genres in which he displayed his graceful style. His numerous Qing poems made of him a time-honored writer. The majority of his poems were satires relating to the significant events which happened during the end of the Qing Dynasty and beginning of Japanese Colonization period. His works were collected in Mr. Hong Qi-Sheng's Posthumous Papers”. Lamenting over the weakness of the late Qing Dynasty when foreign powers invaded China and when Taiwan was ceded to Japan, the prevalent themes of Hong's Utopian poetry were ”his concerns for the society” or ”journeys out of the country.” The longing to visit another world resulting from the worries about men's society reflected the traditional scholars' dilemmas and choice in life. Thus, this thesis discusses Mr. Hong's writing about a transitional world in his Utopian poetry with a particular focus on the poetic meaning of transition, in order to interpret the content and style of his poems. Four principal points are discussed. The first one is the introduction. The second one is the poetic meaning of transition. Theories on altered Ya poetry are analyzed, as well as Hong's writing style and ambition to record history in his Utopian poems. The analysis will expound how his utopia was inspired by his concern for men's society and developed in order to voice his worries and anger towards life. The third key point consists of two parts and is about the narration of a transitional world. Part A is Here and There. Part B is Sentiments of Recluse Scholars. Applying points of view from generation recognition and deep psychological consciousness, these two parts study the poetic conception and discuss the metaphorical spirits of scholars both in the real world and in their imaginary Utopia. The forth point is the conclusion which explains Taiwanese traditional scholars' ideals of culture and their poetic achievements.
