  • 期刊


The Conversational Implicature of the Pun in the TV News Title of Taiwan


臺灣電視新聞在高度競爭的情形下,總是各出奇制勝希望吸引觀眾的目光。以語言的角度來看,新聞標題是最醒目的部份。各家新聞媒體在新聞標題上表現出高度創造力,其中多數採用「雙關語」的手法。新聞標語中的雙關語利用各種語言偏離的方式,使一個簡短的句子含有兩種以上的意義。本文歸納出六種語言變異的方式,分別是諧音、語意、成熟語、語法、非語言層面,和含有前面兩種以上方法者。前面四種屬於語言層次上的偏離;第五種則是超越語言層面與當地社會文化結合的偏離方式。其次,新聞標題在有限的時間和畫面上,必須快速且簡短地呈現最大量的訊息,以Herbert Paul Grice所提出的會話理論來分析,可以很明顯看出它違反了部分的會話原則,分別是「量的原則」、「方法原則」。也因爲它違反了會話原則,因此有可能會造成某些觀眾理解上的困難。若是雙關語在語言層面上偏離,那麼觀眾只需要進入該則新聞的語境即可了解;若是它超越語言層面偏離,那麼觀眾則須了解當地文化,才能掌握所有的訊息。


Under highly competition, Taiwan's TV news always tries to attract audience by surprising moves. According to the aspect of language, ”news title” is the most striking part. Every news channel demonstrates rich creativity in news titles, and ”pun” is used more frequently among all tactics. This text sums up six kinds of languages deviation, including homophone, homograph, idiomatic extended meaning, grammatical extended meaning, non-linguistic deviation and the one containing more than two kinds of methods in the front. The first four kinds of language deviation base on linguistic deviation; however the fifth one combines local social culture to make a sentence containing two meanings. TV news title is expected to present large amount of immediate information within limited time and screen space. By using Herbert Paul Grice's conversation theory to analyze news titles, we can find that they violated some conversation cooperative principles obviously, including ”quantity maxim” and ”manner maxim.” Violation of the cooperative principles will make some audience have difficulty in understanding the content. If a pun bases on linguistic deviation, audience just needs to know the context of the news then they can realize its news title. If a pun combines social culture, audience must understand its local culture, so they can grasp all information.


Herbert, Paul Grice.,Cole,Morgan (eds.)(1975).(Logic and Conversation).
Levinson(1983).Pragmatics.Cambridge:Cambridge University Press.
