  • 期刊


Reinvestigate "the case of Shen Chen-Nan collaborating to Communist China"


沈鎮南是台灣糖業公司第一任總經理,台灣光復後奉經濟部資源委員會之命,來臺灣接收日本統治時期留下的糖業。在他的領導下,兩年內將殘破不堪的糖廠全部重建修復,使台灣糖業得以復興,進而帶動臺灣經濟的發展。未料民國39年6月中,他因通匪叛亂嫌疑被逮捕,以「資匪未遂」的罪名,於40年1月11日被槍決。筆者曾於2006年發表〈1950年「沈鎮南資匪案」探析〉一文,證實這是一樁羅織莫須有罪名而成的假案,使受難者的冤情終於得以平反,恢復名譽。不過當時所運用的的檔案僅是全案的一部分,而本文則是根據2008年公開的台灣省保安司令部「沈鎮南等叛亂案」全案檔案, 共計9 卷,包括逮捕時間、白白書、偵訊筆錄、定罪判刑、報告、聲請覆判等,可以完整的瞭解案情發展的細節經過和來龍去脈,並作更深人的分析探討,使真相更能大白於世。


Shen Chen-Nan was the first president of the Taiwan Sugar Company in1946. He was appointed to Taiwan to take over all the Japanese sugar companies by the National Resource Committee of the Ministry of Economy in 1945. He was a capable leader and had reconstructed all the 35 factories in two years and increased the production of sugar from 80,000 tons to 630,000 tons , thus directly reviving the sugar business on the island, and indirectly laying a solid foundation for the development of economy for the future. However, in Jun 1950, he was suspected of collaborating with the Communists, arrested as a "traitor," and executed in January 1951 finally. In 2006, the author published an essay named "Investigate ‘the case of Shen Chen-Nan collaborating to Communist China in 1950"', confirmed this case was not a real case and rehabilitate the injustice of the sufferers. In this article, the author use the 9 volumes of new material that made public by Ministry of National Defense and "Taiwan Security Command 台灣省保安司令部" in 2009 , that included the time of arrest, Shen's confession, the interrogation transcripts, sentence report. ..etc. through those new materials, we can totally understand the details of this case , and make deeper analysis and discussion. This article include different chapters such as the whole story of Shen 's case , the report to uncover the truth and how this fake case to be form. The author also want inference who lead the whole fake case. This article is the deep research of the Shen's case , and wanted to make all the truth public.


