  • 期刊


Teachers' Enthusiasm and Sense of Educational Mission for The Meaning of Teacher Education




After the Teacher Education Law was adopted, the channels of fostering teachers become varieties. Many students had been attracted into the work force of education. However, the decreasing of birth rate impacts the work opportunities in education. It is more difficult to get full-time positions in schools. As a result, the enrollments of teacher education institutions have been affected and many institutions are closed. If only due to the difficulty to get full-time job in schools, students' aspiration of devoting to education are diminished. It also needs to reflect deeply regarding the in-service teachers still keeping the nature of education in mind or because of obtaining the tenure causing them having fogotten the major mission of education. When teachers forget their duties of educating young pupils, the education may not be able to affect students' life. It may also limit the unlimited educational possibilities of changing and developing students. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is mainly to explore teachers' enthusiasm and sense of educational mission for the value and meaning of teacher education according to the author's personal participation in teacher education and observation of in-service teachers.First of all, how the changes of educational work environment influence the development of teacher education will be address. Secondly, it also discusses how teachers' enthusiasm and sense of educational mission are the key elements of a teacher. In order to manifest the importance of and to arouse educational enthusiasm and sense of educational mission, the example teachers and behaviors will be emphasized in the final section.


