  • 期刊


The Design Principle on The Physical-Cognitive Dual Task Training Curriculum-A Case Study of Community-Dwelling Older Adults




As life expectancy increases, so also does the increase in the number of third age populations all over the world. How to create a correct and effective curriculum that reduces from the third to the fourth age. Specifically, studies, systematic reviews, and meta-analyses have demonstrated that exercise training and cognition training can promote greater improvements in health. Most older engaged in physical activity but failed to improve the health. The low-impact exercise program is one of the reasons why older become weak. Another reason is the curriculum design which should be a modification and adjusted. Studies demonstrate that those who are engaged in a program of dual task, may improve their cognition or reduce cognitive decline. But there no much research mention about it. The present study using a structured physical-cognitive dual task training design. The curriculum for the physical-cognitive dual training suggested in this paper provides eight informational guidelines for the exercise professional. Hence, this study compares the effects of the functional faintness and the cognition test in the future. Besides, hope to serve as the basis for the subsequent prevent aging curriculum as well as training programs.


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