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The challenge of sports centers




The purpose of this study is to explore the challenge of sports centers, to interview the relevant leaders and operators of sports centers by in-depth interviews, and to explore official policies by literature analysis. We want to know how the cultural force, political force and social force construct the appearance of the sports centers by discussing the publicity of the sports centers from the perspective of "cultural governance" in cultural studies. We find that the sports centers are not only closely related to the development of the economic background, the trend of globalization and the change of physical outlook of the times, but also to the attitude of the command and rheological of democratic elections, and the change of social welfare, etc. The Sports Centers have gradually undergone some qualitative changes with the intervention of liberalized commercialism and democratic politics from its early emphasis on social welfare. In conclusion, the sports centers have obvious effects in carrying out sports value and promoting sports participation. Therefore, this study suggests that the future of the sports centers must develop into a type of sports promotion center with emotional elements, in order to condense residents' emotions and build up the value of sports.


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