  • 期刊


Envisioning the 21(superscript st) Century Education from the Perspectives of International Education


在世紀交替之際,全人教育的在地落實與國際接軌信念,已經成為二十一世紀教育國際化的新願景,也是各先進國家優先制定的行動綱領、政策與計畫釐訂的主軸。為了提升國家競爭力,振興經濟、促進社會繁榮,邁向現代化與國際化的全人教育是知識經濟時代不可或缺的國家基本政策。 從歐盟(European Union)的最新發展與前瞻政策、APEC「人才能力建構」(Human capacity Building)的務實主張,到OECD最近公佈有關中學生數學、科學與閱讀評量報告(PISA)顯示,台灣的教育改革正符合世界教育發展的趨勢,穩健地邁向二十一世紀教育的新願景。然而,展望未來的國際化教育之全面落實,雖然曙光已經顯現,但達成最後目標的路途仍有一段距離。相關的配套措施必須同時推動,當能有效實現我們終極的教育目標。 為了有效貫徹「挑戰2008」歸楬櫫的國家重點發展計畫,教育部經國內外專家學者深思熟慮、反覆研定的策略,包括吸引外國學生來華留學,藉以提升學術與研究水準、提升全民英語能力以營造國際化生活環境、提升高等教育教學與研究的品質、強化國際競爭力、鼓勵海外留學以便與國際學術接軌、倡導研究方法與研究精神以帶動創新發明等。 有鑑於OECD的中學生數學、科學與閱讀評量之內涵與影響,及當前國際學術交流之多樣化與頻繁,鼓勵包括網路與資訊科技的研究與創新,並有效用之於教學,是當前教育部積極推動的重點計畫。除此而外,青少年的人格養成與倫理價值觀的建立,亟須整體社會的共同努力和配合,方能提升國家的競爭力,達成國家永續發展的長遠目標。


At the turn of the century, the concept to ”think globally and act locally” prevailed, among developed countries, as the main theme for national policy making in the area of educational reform. For developing nations, their endeavors to catch up and modernize have been entailed by their action plans and newly drafted policies. Therefore, the key to elevating national competitiveness is through education internationalization. It is also a channel for revitalizing national economic development. During this era of the knowledge-based economy, education within the global context plays a major role, which is indispensable to modernization and diverse development. It is through international education that we can be in a position to become entitled to rapid economic development, achieve material well being, social-economic equity, political democracy and above all, excellence within the research areas of science, technology, humanities and the social sciences. The Republic of China on Taiwan's policy for education reform is compatible with the current trends of education internationalization of those developed nations in Europe and in North America. Compared with the current developments and policy formulations of the European Union (EU), the ”Human Capacity Building” project of APEC, as well as the 2003 PISA reports on math, science and reading, which were undertaken by OECD, Taiwan's progressive educational reform policies are heading towards a new visionary plateau, as shared by the aforementioned international organizations. In order to accelerate the pace of education reform and to globalize all sectors of this country, the Ministry of Education has invited recognized scholars from home and abroad, to work out a series of policies targeting the materialization of the education reform initiatives. The proposed plans include recruiting international students, so that they can pursue advanced studies at institutions of higher learning in Taiwan; encouraging Taiwan students to study overseas; promoting the teaching of English for all grade levels in our schools; and pursuing excellence in teaching and research at our colleges and universities. The Ministry of Education is also focusing on the sustainable development of education from the perspective of diversity. Since the world has become a global village, it has become imperative that our educational reform initiatives be compatible with those of other countries, who also share the same convictions and practices in education, as Taiwan.


劉品佑(2007)。外國學生的生活適應與生涯發展- 以清華大學和交通大學的攻讀學位外國學生為例〔碩士論文,國立清華大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6843/NTHU.2007.00098
