  • 期刊


The Analysis of Enforcement of Gender Equality in Employment Act in the Circle of Judicature


兩性工作平等法自二○○二年施行以來,企業由初期之質疑,至今漸漸開始落實,本文依該法區分為「性別歧視之禁止」、「性騷擾之防治」、「促進就業措施」與「申訴救濟」等四大部分,主要依據行政院勞工委員會、台北市政府於兩平法施行三周年所作之統計分析,以及法院司法實務之裁判情形,輔以兩平法之相關規定與理論基礎,以了解我國未來修法方向與推動之參考。 由本文所獲得初步研究得知,兩平法中性騷擾防治措施之擬訂施行成果較佳,促進就業措施部分,例如育嬰留職停薪、育兒措施或設施部分,仍有相當之改善空間。有關於生理假及陪產假則未如預期之困難,綜合該法之各項施行狀況,已見勞資政之努力成果,有待未來繼續發展。


Since the enforcement of Gender Equality in Employment Act in 2002, enterprises have gradually changed their interrogatory attitudes and start to implement. This research, according to the Act, is divided into 4 sections, ”prohibition of sex discrimination”, ”prevention and correction of sexual harassment”, ”measures for promoting equality in employment”, ”remedies and appeal procedures”. The data are based on the judgments in courts of law and the statistical investigation of the 3th anniversary of the enforcement of Gender Equality in Employment Act by Council of Labors Affairs in Executive Yuan and Taipei City Government. Besides, the related regulations and theories of Gender Equality in Employment Act will be discussed. In this research, we know that the practices of prohibition of sex discrimination are better; the measures for promoting equality in employment, such as ”Parental Leave without Payment” and ”Child Care facilities and Measures”, can be improved. As to the ”Menstruation Leave” and ”Fraternity Leave”, the promotion is not as difficult as expected. Briefly speaking, we can tell some achievements of the efforts by both labors and enterprises. We are looking forward to the further development and enforcement of this Act.


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