  • 期刊


Would You like to Share What You Know? Exploring Underlying Factors of Knowledge Sharing in Public Organizations


要求組織成員彼此間進行誠摯與深度的知識分享,不是一件容易的事。當組織同時推動績效衡量與知識分享時,卻可能發生組織成員為確保個人或自身團隊的競爭優勢或績效表現,而造成知識藏私的情況。因此,本研究所關注的研究問題將在於:(一)當績效評量與知識分享此二項制度同時存在於組織時,對於組織成員間的互動關係是否造成影響?若是,其影響為何?強化分享意願?抑或是導致個人藏私?(二)當知識分享的行為發生在跨組織或跨單位的系絡時,單位間績效評比之制度,是否會造成干擾或影響?若是,其影響為何? 針對上述研究問題,透過情境式焦點團體座談法,本研究發現,在不同層次的成員互動系絡中,公務同仁即使在被授與的競爭環境下,仍可能因(一)關係情誼、(二)互利互惠、(三)團隊需求、(四)專業互補、(五)和諧維繫,以及(六)不具敏感性之經驗與知識等六項因素進行知識分享。此外,本研究亦發現,組織成員間或因時間與工作之壓力、知識的默會成分、知識需求者之態度、責任轉移、應付人情壓力,或因公務倫理之規範,在各種系絡中,皆可能產生重點式或選擇性的「部分知識分享行為」。甚至可能因為彼此競爭關係之考量,而拒絕知識的分享。


Knowledge sharing among public organization employees may not happen easily, especially when performance pressure or a competitive atmosphere is perceived by employees. While both systems of performance assessment and knowledge management are prevalent in public organizations, this study attempts to empirically study public employees' behavioral reactions toward the two systems above. Hence, the following questions will be addressed: Firstly, as both knowledge sharing and performance measurement systems are undertaken in organizations, do organizational members like to share or hoard their knowledge? And why? Secondly, will a performance evaluation system negatively influence employees' knowledge-sharing behaviors across organizational units or agencies? If so, why? By using scenario-based focus-group interviews, this study found that public employees, generally speaking, like to share their knowledge with colleagues. It is evident that some factors encourage public employees' knowledge-sharing behaviors in different organizational contexts, including personal relationships, reciprocity, requirement of teamwork, mutual professional support, request of insensitive information, as well as the intention of keeping a harmonious atmosphere in workplaces. In addition, negative factors that may hinder organizational knowledge-sharing were found as well, such as time restriction, stress from work, level of tacitness of the knowledge, rude attitude of asker of knowledge, unwelcome responsibility shift, unpleasant pressure from personal relationships, requirement of public ethic norms, and perceived competition between asker of knowledge and provider of knowledge.


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鄭楷霖(2016)。影響大學教授知識分享之因素: 淡江大學個案研究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2016.00463
