  • 期刊


The Ideas and Strategies of the Quality School Innovation Management


「優質學校」是一所重視人性化潛能發展的教育組識,一切的教學活動與環境措施,都能秉持合於教育理念的學校願景,不但重視學生學業成就及技能的養成,更強調完美品德的陶冶,使學生都能成為未來社會的傑出人才,進而達成追求卓越教育品質的目的。近年來,我國受到世界教育先進國家,如美、英、澳、紐等各國所推動的教育革新計劃影響,學校組識產生了前所未見的變革,為因應此種變革趨勢,必須在實質教育內涵與發展趨勢上,進行部份的調整與改革。只是,長久以來,學校多為僵化、刻板的科層結構,成員大多缺乏主動汲取新知及創新發展的習慣,使得組識缺乏自我反省與批判的能力。 其實,優質學校創新經營不僅是一種理念,更重視行動的實踐,它是創新與經營的結合體,以「創新」為體,並以「經營」為用,來發揮學校教育的功能。因此,本文希望藉由探討優質學校的基本概念與創新經營的內涵,透過優質學校創新經營的可行策略,提出未來可行的具體辦法及配套措施,協助學校展現教育活力與創意,並且豐富教育內涵與活動及引領教育革新與進步,建設一所符合人性化與學生學習的「優質學校」,以促進教育品質的提升與卓越學校的效能。


優質學校 創新經營


”The quality school” is a education organization which pays attention to humanized latent energy development, all teaching activities and environmental measure, all adhere to and shut the scene of wishing in the school of the education theory, not only pay attention to the forming of student's study achievement and skill, emphasize the moulding of perfect morality even more, enable student's capital to become remarkable talents of the society in the future, the purpose of educational quality that and then reach and pursue being outstanding. In recent years, our country is educated the advanced country by the world, for instance such education innovations that various countries promote as U.S.A., Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, etc. plan to influence, the school organization has produced the unseen before change, in order to answer this kind of change trend, must carry on some adjustment and reform on the educational intension of the essence and development trend. Just, for a long time, the school is mostly one layer of structure of rigid, mechanical department, members mostly lack the habit of drawing new knowledge and innovative development voluntarily, make it lack oneself introspect and ability that criticize not to organize. In fact, the quality school innovates and manages not only a kind of idea, pay attention to practice that takes action even more, it is a combination innovated and dealt in, as the body, and in order to use, to give play to the function of school education. So, the intension that this text hopes to manage with the basic conception and innovation of probing into the quality school, innovate the feasible tactics managed through the quality school, put forward the feasible concrete method and supplementary measure in the future, help the school to represent the educational vigor and intention, and enrich educational intension with moving about and craning one's neck to look into the distance to educate improving and progressing, it accords with humanization and ”The quality school” of student's study to build one, in order to promote the improvement of educational quality and efficiency of the remarkable school.


InnoSchool 2006全國學校經營創新獎


