  • 期刊


The Development of Interpersonal Relationships Scale for Elementary School Teachers


人際關係(interpersonal relationships)即人我關係,是指個人或個人之間或個人與團體之間相互影響的作用。包含好惡的態度,表現的意圖以及行為的顯示,用以表現和評估教師的人際關係情況。教師之人際關係包含同儕之間的互動、親師之間的來往與師生之間的溝通,可說是教師職涯中不可或缺的能力,更是班級經營及教學成效的關鍵。本研究意欲建構一份國小教師人際關係量表,預試施測共取得132份有效問卷,經由項目分析、探索性因素分析及信度分析後,形成正式量表共12題,分為「和諧度」、「信賴度」以及「合作度」三個分量表,正式施測取得有效樣本529份。總量表Cronbach's係數為.86,各分量表信度介於.68~.81,顯示本量表具良好信度。本研究發展之「國小教師人際關係量表」有良好的信與效度,可用以瞭解國小教師人際關係狀況,俾利學校用人評估以及校務推行,亦可供後續研究者依此量表架構進行相關研究。


This study developed a scale to investigate the interpersonal relationships of Kaohsiung elementary school teachers, and tested the accuracy of the scale. "Interpersonal relationships scale" includes three sub-scales: harmonious, trust, and cooperation. A questionnaire survey method was adopted, and 132 Kaohsiung elementary school teachers were selected as the pretest sample. Subsequently, item analyses and factor analyses were performed to ascertain the valid and reliable research instruments. Then next, 529 Kaohsiung elementary school teachers were selected as the official sample to verify the study hypotheses. The Cronbach's of the total scale was .86 and the sub-scales' were between .68 and .81, which showed good reliability. In conclusion, the "Interpersonal relationships scale" developed in this study has good reliability and validity. Researchers can expand further related studies based on this scale.


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