  • 期刊


The Differences in Learning Achievement Between Aboriginal and Non-Indigenous Student




Differences in academic achievement between aboriginal and non-aboriginal children are overlooked. This research used a database of 1,586 students from the Keelung City Junior High School Students' Learning Survey Database, including 30 aboriginal students, to explore the differences between aboriginal and non-aboriginal children in the differences of Chinese language, English, mathematics, society, arts, nature, health-physical learning achievement and comprehensive domain. It is obtained from the database that the assessment of learning achievement was different between schools. This research transformed the data to standard scores so that the results can be used for cross-school analysis, and then used the multivariate analysis of variance to test. The conclusions were as follows: Aboriginal students were in the learning achievements of Chinese, English, mathematics, society, arts, nature, and comprehensive domain were significantly lower than those of non-aboriginal students respectively, especially in mathematics, nature, society, and English domain. This also showed that aboriginal children were interested in physical fitness classes. The feature of this study was that it is found that non-aboriginal children were still significantly higher than aboriginal children in seven learning achievements, and schools should propose strategies to support learning. In response to the discussion of the conclusions, specific suggestions are put forward.


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