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Applying Podcast in English for Specific Purposes Learning


隨著行動通信技術的日新月異,「滑世代」的來臨,行動學習(M-learning)賦予學習全新的吸引力和不受時空限制的便利,更帶領著英語學習來到一全新的紀元。藉由Podcast的傳播模式輔以RSS的訂閱方式,學習素材將自動地下載到學習者的行動工具中,學習者將不受時空限制地重覆使用教材,非常適用於學習語言(張金蘭,2009)。本研究將專業英語課程的上課內容輔以Podcast補充教材,希望提供科大學生更貼近真實語料的專業英語學習,因此,本研究探討學生對於應用Podcast輔助健康產業英文學習的初步感受;及Podcast學習成績與學期成績之相關性。研究結果顯示大多數的學生未聽過Podcast (85%);雖然行動裝置普及又方便,仍普遍以桌上型電腦來學習(63%);在使用Podcast線上課程輔助英語學習之感受上,對Podcast可增進聽力(M=3.93)、閱讀(M=3.73)和字彙(M=3.72)多持認同的態度;在Podcast學習成績與學期課程的學習成績上成顯著正相關(p =0.43),表示當Podcast學習成績越高時,學生的學習成績同樣也會越高。


行動學習 播客 專技英文


Mobile learning using wireless devices enables students to access their learning resources anywhere and anytime, through the Internet. This research aims to investigate the perceptions of students with respect to using podcasts for learning English as a Foreign Language (EFL). In particular, the paper seeks to explore the potential that a resource such as podcast metadata may have in motivating language learners to achieve better course grades. The results of the survey present an analysis of the perceptions that students have about using podcasts for their learning. The correlation between the use of podcasts for learning and the final course grades are studied through correlation analysis. These results indicate that a full 85% of the students who participated in the survey had never even heard of podcasts. However, after they had been told more about podcasts, the students had positive attitudes toward using podcasts for learning English. Although using mobile devices for learning is convenient, the devices that the highest percentage of students chose for learning by using podcasts was still personal computers (63%). Correlation analysis shows that the use of podcast learning and the students' course grades are positively correlated (p =0.43).


方宣懿(2009)。應用Podcast 於語言學習之研究:以臺灣和大陸為例(碩士論文)。中興大學電子商務研究所。
王小惠、林建均(2007)。Podcasting 作為線上語言學習媒介之趨勢探討。視聽教育雙月刊。49(1),23-31。
李定瑋(2010)。個人化廣播新媒介—Podcast 之初探。網路社會學通訊期刊。47
