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The scenic perception of the river wetland from local country: A case study on the zone of TaliwupiDounan to Huwei township nearby in Yunlin county


分析城鄉河川濕地分布之景觀元素及對於河川濕地景觀的知覺,透過模擬方式了解一般民眾對於河川濕地景觀之接受程度;分析過程是以一般民眾及景觀相關人員為研究對象,針對雲林縣斗南鎮他里霧埤與其沿線近虎尾河川濕地景觀為研究區域,使用空拍與電腦景觀模擬輸出為圖資並配合問卷方式進行數據之取得,問卷回答之尺度採用Likert方法;,結果回收有效問卷計326份以及透過統計軟體SPSS22.0進行描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、Pearson 相關分析。分析結果如下:(一)專業訓練中的美學相關訓練及無專業訓練對最低評值之景觀知覺接受程度有顯著差異;(二)個人整體屬性對於河川濕地景觀接受程度顯示顯著差異,只有職業例外而呈低度相關。(三)河川濕地景觀感受之構面對河川濕地景觀元素有顯著差異與相關。這些研究結果可以提供未來河川濕地景觀規劃與環境美質研究的基礎依據與建議。


Through analyzing landscape elements and perception of the river wetland image from the zone of Dounan-Huwei town nearby in Yunlin county, they provided to some extent how people perceived to identify scenic field of the river wetland. The methodological process was composed of what landscape elements and the river wetland images they were chosen and questionnaire designed to decode, by Likert scale, into data for statistic calculation. To explore resolution some tools were used to find out its target, they included as follow: 1. photography by digital camera, treated image technologically by computer, and SPSS 22.0 software. As well, the data was analyzed with predictive statistic, T test independently, ANOVA, and Pearson correlation analysis, the results illustrated some discoveries: 1. existing difference significantly between scenic perception for river wetland and whether the authentic ability was trained or not.2. showing to indicate no difference between general demography, except profession attribute, and scenic perception for river wetland. 3. items of inventory distinguished into 5 dimensions by exploring factor analysis. 4.there being difference and correction between 5 dimensions and elements for landscape of the river wetland. To sum up, the results might provide some basis for suggestion, hopefully, what the landscape of the river wetland it will be higher quality authentically and ecologically in the future.


21 世紀的濕地價值與生態工程【社論】(民98 年11 月21 日)。技師報,1 版
