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A Study on College Students' Degree of Volleyball Involvement and Happiness


本研究主要目的在探討大學生參與排球運動之涉入程度與幸福感之關係,本研究應用問卷調查法進行研究資料收集,問卷施測時間為2019年9月16日至9月20日,於高雄市五間普通大學之排球場,針對參與排球運動之大學生為研究對象發放300份研究問卷,扣除填答不完整問卷27份,共計有效問卷273份,有效問卷率為91.0%。回收資料運用Amos 20.0進行收斂效度、區別效度、模式適配度與路徑係數分析,驗證理論模型信效度與路徑間之關係。研究結果顯示本研究假設之整體模式適配度度,收斂效度及區別效度皆達要求標準。大學生參與排球運動之涉入程度對幸福感達顯著影響(路徑係數=.49*)。最後,本研究依據研究結果發現提出提升大學生參與排球運動之涉入程度的實務及後續相關研究建議,期能提供大學排球運動推廣相關單位,作為推行排球運動時之政策擬定及後續相關研究的參考。


排球運動 涉入程度 幸福感


The main purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between college students' degree of volleyball involvement and their happiness. In this study, the method of questionnaire was used to collect the data. From September 16 to September 20, 2019, 300 questionnaires were sent out for the college students participating in volleyball at the volleyball courts of five ordinary universities in Kaohsiung. After deducting 27 incomplete questionnaires, a total of 273 valid questionnaires were recovered. The effective questionnaire rate was 91.0%. Amos 20.0 was used to analyze the convergence validity, differential validity, pattern adaptation and path coefficient in order to verify the relationship between reliability and validity of the theoretical model and path. The results show that the overall model adaptation degree of the hypothesis in this study is good, and the convergence validity and differential validity have both met the requirements. The college students' degree of volleyball involvement has a significant effect on happiness (path coefficient =.49*). Finally, according to the results of the study, the suggestions of improving the college students' involvement in volleyball and subsequent relevant suggestions are put forward, which can be used as a reference for the volleyball promoting units in policy formulation and further related researches.


Volleyball Degree of Involvement Happiness


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