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The Study on the Students' Evaluation of General Education Courses Teaching: Using "Introduction of Applied Science" As an Example


通識課程是學校教育重要的一環,旨在培養具人文素養、宏觀視野、人道關懷、能開創自我及服務社會的現代人。「應用科學導論」通識課程,主要目的是在幫助學生藉由當代先進科技知能的學習,拓展個人更宏觀的視野,發展其正向思考與行動能力,讓同學了解到科技的進步與人類生活乃至生命意義間的相關性,重新去省思人與物之間的關係。課程內容主要是透過當今先進科技範疇-量子能源、生物科技、資訊科技、材料科技及太空科技等各大領域,由各科技學門中學有專精之教師群聯合授課;在學有專精的教師們,以深入淺出的方式,將各科學領域中的精華介紹學生認識,並引導學生觀察先進科技可能帶來的負面影響,讓大家更審慎的去使用科技產品以及面對可能引發的道德衝突。 本研究係針對本校通識教育課程「應用科學導論」之課程教學目標、教師授課方式、授課內容與學生自我評量學習成效四個部份進行教學評鑑;以問卷方式對護理系四技四年級及二技二年級修課的135位同學進行施測。從研究結果中發現之問題,進行分析,提供解決對策及具體建議,以供未來參與本課程授課教師教學改進之參考。


”Introduction of Applied Science”, one of ”General Education” courses, is designed to introduce the new technology and science to students and to discuss how they are related to people's life and how they influence people's attitude to life. The course ranges from Quantum Energy, Information Technology and Material Technology to Biotechnology and Space Technology. In each section there is a special instructor to make students easily understanding the development of the new and advance technology and science, and to guide students to think their impacts on human lives. The purpose of the study is to know the effect of the course by the evaluation of the students who took the course, and to find resolutions to increase learning effect. The student's evaluation aimed at course goal, instructing way, course's contents and learning effect self-estimate.
