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A Study of "Dilemma and Life" Course Design and Its Effect on Students


呼應、現代公民核心能力養成計劃, 授課教師以特殊教育通論為主軸輔以體驗式教學的精要設計困境與人生課程,包括破冰活動、觀念及法規、學習障礙者、智能障礙者、視覺障礙者、世界咖啡館、肢體障礙者、聽覺障礙者及情緒行為障礙者等九個單元。於十八週課程實施期間,以生命意義量表對修課學生進行前、後測,結果顯示後測總平均101.15較前測總平均98.21,進步2.94 ;經t test 分析呈現在五個構面中, 「對生命的熱忱」達顯著差異( t = -2.130 ,p < 0.05 , df= 6 0) 。對學習單、個人及小組期末報告進行質性分析,顯現學生們在生命省思、自我揭露、思考轉換、行動實踐及團隊合作等能力均有提昇的現象。


In accordance with projects of Cultivating Citizens' Core Competence, the instructor applied the principles of special education and experiential learning to the design of the course. The course consisted of nine units including ice-breaking activities, course concepts and regulations, learning disabilities , intellectual disability, visual disability, World Cafe method, physical disability, hearing impairment, and emotional and behavioral disorders. A pre-test and post-test research design was used to monitor the effect of the course design and the teaching method. Implementation of the "Purpose in Life" scale gave an average post-test score of 101.15 which was 2.94 higher than the average pre-test score of 98.21. After t-test analysis, the "Passion for Life" dimension was found to be statistically significant (t =-2.130, p <0.05, d.f= 60). Qualitative analysis of classwork as well as individual and group final reports showed students improved their ability to reflect on their life experience, and were able to engage in self-disclosure, concept transformation, participation and teamwork.


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內政部 (2013)。內政統計通報- 101 年身心障礙者福利統計。2015 年7 月 22 日,取 http://www.moi.gov.tw/stat/news_content.aspx?sn=7516
行政院經濟建設委員會(2010)。2010 年至 2060 年臺灣人口推計
