  • 期刊


Ecological Thought and Politics: A Preliminary Study on Tainan's Conservation Movement in 1990s


本文旨在探討影響1990年代南瀛保育運動的因素,及該運動所呈現的特色。 南瀛的環保運動具有「生態與生計」衝突的特質,亦即:在七股地區,究竟是否可以設置濱南工業區,以有益於民眾的生活條件,抑或應該維護濕地,以保育瀕臨絕種生物黑面琵鷺過冬的棲息地。本文將這個議題架構在國府遷台後海埔地的開發與利用政策,以及2005年2月京都議定書生效的歷史背景下,論述全球溫室效應的管制措施、濕地與瀕臨絕種生物的保育等概念,如何成為影響南瀛保育運動的思想與力量;在全球環境思想的影響下,台灣的保育課題不能脫離全球環境政治的運作邏輯,並使得五十多年來台灣的海埔地利用政策,也有了改弦更張之變。 本文以歷史研究的方式,分析1990年代南瀛保育運動的發展與特色。研究結果顯示:南瀛反濱南保濕地運動相較於我國自1980年代以來各種鄉土環境保護運動,其涉及的國內外環境政治之運作最為複雜;且其成果有待更多的歷史紀錄,方能定論。


The theme of my paper is to investigate the influential factors on Tainan's environmental movement in 1990s, and the merits of the movement. Tainan's case deals with the conflict between ecologism and economic development. The location of the confrontation is in Qi-gu area. The argument is about whether the government should permit the Project of Binnan Industrial Construction in order to improve the living condition of local people, or should conserve the wetland as a habitat for the endangered species, so-called 'Blackface flat-beak crane.' In my paper, Ⅰ discuss the issue from two perspectives of history: one is the policy of tidal land utilization since 1950, and the other is the execution of Kyoto Protocol on Feb.15, 2005. My research shows that the regulation on green house effect, and the conservation on wetland and endangered species, are so important and powerful ideas and can't be ignored. Therefore, under the global trend of environmental protection, the conservation issue in Taiwan can't break away from the logic of global environmental politics. The result, to change the former policy of tidal land utilization becomes natural and necessary. My paper argues that under the impact of the global trend of environmental protection and political dynamics in local society, the environmental politics of anti-Binnan movement in Tainan area has made the movement itself as the most complicated one in Taiwanese ecological movements since 1980s, however, we still have to wait for more historical development in the future to evaluate its achievement.


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