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Problems in Education to the New Taiwanese: New Perspective for Curriculum and Teaching Reform


根據內政部戶政司的統計臺灣社會人口結構的多元化導因於外籍配偶及外籍配偶子女(新臺灣之子)所佔比率的增加。也因此造成新臺灣之子在教育上所面對的困境與所衍生的問題愈來愈多。雖然政府已經逐漸重視外籍配偶來台定居的事實及其子女教育的重要性,但卻在教學方面未予第一線的基層教師們一個良善的整體規劃,也未能符合實際的需要及跟上所謂多元化的教育潮流。有鑑於此,筆者提出一些針對新臺灣之子進入學校教育後,教育工作者應具備新的思維和新的教學方式以因應,意即:在教師方面必須在接觸新臺灣之子的學生們之前,便先以力量觀點的角度,來強化自己的預期心理和價值觀,並協助他們產生賦能感(sense of empowerment),以培養新臺灣之子獨立自主與解決問題的能力。此外,教師應再運用更多元的方式從事教學,如創造性的教學法、專業公正的評量與回饋,甚而針對個別差異施以補救教學等,這些彈性與開放的教學模式,都能引導新臺灣之子的學生們,獲得平等自由的學習機會,繼而增加學習成效,提升學習成就。而在教育行政體系方面必須配合以研讀教育政策、尊重多元文化;培育專業師資,確實因材施教和藉助媒體宣傳,弭平標籤現象等努力來共同面對新台灣之子的教學變革。


According to the statistics by Department of Population, Ministry of the Interior, the percentage of foreign spouses and their children (new Taiwanese, new residents) is getting higher, making a trend of diversity in population structure in the society of Taiwan. Because of the diversity in population structure, the new residents are facing some difficulties and problems in education, which force the education staff to take the issue seriously. Although the government is paying more attention to the fact of foreign spouses living in Taiwan and to the importance of education of their children, the curriculum design and teaching approaches seem not to meet the need and not to catch up with the trend of education in diversity. In consideration of this issue, the author introduces a corrected direction of curriculum reform and policy adjustment for education for the new residents. Before facing the students, teachers must reinforce themselves with thinking ability and value scale, and help students to build the sense of empowerment, making them independent and able to solve problems by themselves. Through the open and flexible teaching mode, teachers are able to guide, to build centricity, and to diminish bias by encouraging individuals, peers and groups. All the methods can help the new Taiwanese get better opportunities in learning, take effect in learning, and elevate achievement in learning.


朱淑娟(2007)。台灣社會跨國社群電視媒體使用初探 ───以「台灣媳婦」節目為例〔碩士論文,元智大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6838/YZU.2007.00097
