  • 期刊


The Retrospect of 6-Sigma and It's Applications in the Tourism Industry


在管理理論與方法不斷推陳出新的今日,國內外企業正如火如荼地推展6σ。6σ爲品質管理技術之一種,主要是藉由專案的型式,進行流程的改善,採用DMAIC五大行動步驟來進行品質的改善工作。本研究首先進行品質管理演進過程的回顧,並且探討6σ的基本定義及專案管理的步驟。其次對台灣企業引進6σ的服務業進行初步的探討,了解其導入動機及實行成效,以作爲本研究的借境。 最後,本文探討如何將6σ應用至觀光產業之中,並以假設案例將之應用至實務面,以供觀光產業實際推行時之參考。本研究假設一個餐飲業的個案推演,以一家五星級商務飯店內中國餐館之「冷食抱怨」爲假設案例,探討專案的改善過程。6σ的推行是一件長期的工作,必須是組織內的全體員工一起動員及高階主管的支持才能使整個專案在推行時更加順利,本研究期望藉由此假設個案讓觀光產業人員對於6σ有更深一層的認識,進而能應用於觀光產業,以發揮其最大功效。


服務業 觀光產業 品質管理


With the progress on management methods and practices, the business action is in a favor of applying 6σ. 6σ is a quality control philosophy originated in the manufacture industry. The basic concepts are derived from project based process improvement. The main steps include DMAIC. This study reviewed the development of quality management and discussed the definition and steps of 6σ. Then, the application of 6σin the service industry was studied. Finally, a hypothetical case study was discussed and possible 6σ procedures were applied in order to simulate the real situation. The results of this research are aimed to provide deeper understanding of 6σ concepts and set an example of possible applications in the tourism industry. It will be helpful for both high level and low end management.


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