  • 期刊


RFID Yarn Development and Analysis of Simulated Medical Washing Test


IoT(物聯網)的時代來臨,一切事物都具備智慧功能,任何物件皆能被識別和定位,並且可在遠端系統操作及控制,其中RFID(無線射頻辨識)是其中一個重要的關鍵技術。尤其在醫院的手術服、醫師和護理師服飾、病人服飾和床單等的紡織品識別和清洗管理,遠距離可讀取的UHF(超高頻)RFID,更可防止洗衣工在清點時的接觸感染發生。常規RFID晶片與天線無法耐水洗與耐高溫高壓滅菌,本研究將透過防水接著塗層膠貼合,結合紗線及耐高溫聚合物包覆,模擬醫療水洗測試,開發出耐水洗與耐高溫高壓滅菌的UHF RFID紗線。


無線射頻識別 天線 超高頻 紗線


The era of IoT (Internet of Things) is coming, everything has a smart function, and any object can be identified and located, and can be operated and controlled in the remote system. RFID (radio frequency identification) is one of the important key technologies. Especially in hospitals, textile identification and cleaning management of surgical gowns, doctors and nurses' apparel, patient's apparel and bed sheets, UHF (Ultra High Frequency) RFID can be read from a long distance, and it can prevent the launderers from contact infection during inventory. Conventional RFID chips and antennas are not resistant to washing and high temperature and high pressure sterilization. In this study, we will use waterproof and adhesive coating, combined with yarn and high temperature resistant polymer coating, to simulate medical washing test. UHF RFID yarns can be developed that are resistant to washing and high temperature and high pressure sterilization.


RFID antenna UHF yarn
