  • 期刊

The Determination of High Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Separated by electrophoresis and Sodium Phosphotungstate/Mg2+ Precipitation: A Physical Evaluation



流行病學研究指出腦血管病變與血液中高密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度有密切的關係。目前高密度脂蛋白膽固醇的例行常規檢查方法以電泳分析及沈澱法兩種方法最常見。但因高密度脂蛋白膽固醇易受許多因素影響,故本研究擬以此兩種方法來找尋其依年齡增長而變化情形之數值,及男女不同性別各年齡層之參考值,以供臨床應用。本實驗研究結果如下: (1)不論是以電泳法或沈澱法測定,高密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度自出生後隨年齡增加而增加,至青春期(16~20歲)時,不論男女均略為下降,而後再上升持平。 (2)成年男女不同性別其高密度脂蛋白膽固醇濃度亦不同。 (3)沈澱法與電泳法比較:沈澱法較電泳法準確(日內之變異係數4.8%比10.7%;日間之變異系數為4.3%比14.6%),因電泳法干擾因素多,故變異大。但兩者間有相關性(r=0.77)故統計學上呈有意義的相關,而且電泳法可提供各種脂質型式的顯型(phenotyping),可藉以診斷有關脂質代謝上之病變,以利判讀,故本研究建議採用電泳法作為臨床之常規檢查。惟仍提供兩個方法之參考值,以供臨床參考。




Epidemiologic studies show that the risk of clinically evident atherosclerosis correlates negatively with concentrations of high density lipoprotein (HDL) and the influence of different factors on variations in the concentration of HDL cholesterol. We measured HDL cholesterol by both the electrophoresis and the precipitation method, and then proposed reference intervals for HDL cholesterol, adjusted for age and sex. Our findings show that the HIDL cholesterol concentration was lowest in cord blood. The concentration increased between the ages of 1 to 15 years, but lowered between the ages of 16 to 20 years. After this age period our study shows that the HDL cholesterol levels began to rise again before leveling off between the ages of 21-30 years. There was a significant difference in concentrations of HDL cholesterol between males and females. Our findings also show that the precision of the precipitation method is better than that of the electrophoresis method. The C.V. of the within-run analysis was 4.8% vs. 10.7%, while the C.V. of the between-run analysis was 4.3% vs. 14.6%. However, a significant correlation (r=0.77) was noted between the precipitation method and electrophoresis. The electrophoresis method can be recommended as an aid in lipoprotein phenotyping, so we suggest it as a routine clinical method for HDL cholesterol analysis.
