

從1972年1月至1988年12月,高雄醫學院泌尿科以經尿道前例腺切除術治療了342例良性前列腺腫大的患者。其平均手時間為74.43分鐘,其中有67例(20%)患者因出血較嚴重而需要輸血,而每位患者平均輸血量為1019.4ml,手術後尿道導尿平均放置時間為7天,而手術後平均住院天數為8.6天。 2例(0.5%)患者在手術中因膀胱及腹膜破裂而需作剖腹探查術並接受膀胱修補;同時有7例(2.0%)患者因術後發生嚴重血尿現象,而須再住院接受膀胱沖洗及放置尿道導尿管,壓迫前列腺以達到止血的目日。在晚期併發症方面,有11例(3.2%)發生應力性尿失禁,18例(5.3%)發生尿道狹窄,1例(0.3%)發生性無能現象及2例(0.6%)發生水中毒。有二例患者在後死亡,死亡率為0.6%,其中一例術後一星期死於敗血症,另一例在術後第一天死於氣喘所造成之呼吸衰竭。




A toatl of 342 benign prostatic hypertrophy patients were treated at the Department of Urology, Kaohsiung Medical College Hospatial from January 1972 to December 1988. Median duration of operation time was 74.4minutes, 67 patients (20%) required a blood transfusion and the mean volume of blood per patient transfused was 1019.4ml. Median post-operative catheter managemnet was 7 days and the median post-operative ward time was 8.6 days. Two patients (0.5%) had a bladder lesion with peritoneal perforation and required a secondary operation for bladder suture. Secondary hemorrhaging return for treatment of clotting was seen in 11 cases (3.2%). Anterior urethral stricture was noted in 9 cases (2.6%), impotence occurred in only one case (0.3%) and TUR syndrome in 2 (0.6%). There were two post-operative deaths, for a mortality rate of 0.6 percent. The causes of death were sepsis in one patient and acute renal failure in the other.
