  • 期刊


The Study of Operation Safety of Abrasive Wheel Equipment Grinders


桌上型砂輪機看似簡單易操作,但一般使用者若缺乏正確的構造認知、作業前檢查認知、安全作業認知、及安全管理認知,便容易置身於危險中。尤其在高工職校的實習工廠,桌上型砂輪機最為被普遍操作使用。本研究以南部某大學理工背景學生為研究對象,以職業安全衛生法規設計成問卷,並針對165 份有效樣本進行描述性統計結果。研究結果顯示多數研究對象對於桌上型砂輪機的安全操作與管理相當薄弱。本研究最後根據研究結果設計了安全觀念與操作檢核表,以及簡易圖示安全操作說明,期以降低使用者操作危害風險。


AThough easy to operate, abrasive wheels grinders are in fact very dangerous in the novice hands, such as the young interns in the educational contexts. The purpose of the study is to investigate how untrained young users respond to the pre-operational inspection, operational safety awareness, and operational safety management awareness, regarding their use of abrasive wheels grinders. The method involved a questionnaire with four sections to collect the safety recognition, attitude, and behaviors of the participants toward the safety of operating abrasive wheels grinders. There were 165 participants, with engineering-related majors, from a south-Taiwan university responding to the questionnaire. The data were collected and analyzed with SPSS. The results indicated that the participants responded poorly to the three items regarding safety awareness. Based on the findings, the study concluded with the design of a safety awareness check list and concise and illustrated instructions of safe operation of abrasive wheels grinders for novice users.


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