  • 期刊


Development of a Gap-Acceptance Simulation Model at Unsignalized Intersections




Accepted gap is an important parameter for vehicle drivers at unsignalized intersections since no traffic control signals at these intersections. It also causes traffic flow interruption and conflict problems. Vehicle delay and stops affects the operational efficiency of vehicles crossing the intersections. Illegal driving behaviors result in high probability of traffic accidents at unsignalized intersections. Therefore, driving behavior analysis of vehicle drivers at unsignalized intersections is the base of improved strategies development. This study analyzes the gap acceptance characteristics of vehicles crossing unsignalized intersections and develops a gap acceptance simulation model based on the Monte Carlo simulation method. Critical gaps are analyzed based on the surveyed and analyzed data of accepted gaps and rejected gaps at an unsignalized intersection. The regression models of cumulative probabilities for accepted and rejected gaps are developed. Finally, the study develops an application example of the simulation model to analyzed the average stopped delay of vehicles at unsignalized intersections.


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