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Internet Opinion and Sentiment of the Prosecutorial System: A Big-Data Analysis




The rise of the Internet has made mobile phones, online networks and other wireless devices the essential channels for people's daily communications and information exchange in the modern society. It is an economical way to carry out opinion polls on a specific issue by investigating the subscribers of social platforms in terms of manpower, material resources, budgets and time. Compared with making household phone calls, online opinion surveys are therefore more closely keeping up with the progress of the times. This study is the first attempt to make big-data analyses on law enforcement by Prosecutors Offices (LEPO). Word frequency analyses are also made to explore public opinion of LEPO on the internet in this regard. Next, it aims to effectively analyze the public sentiments towards LEPO based on the meanings of the words used by the said subscribers. Afterward, comparisons of online voice and favorability between the courts, LEPO and police authority are made. The research tools adopted in this study include "Voice Trend Observation", KEYPO (big data key engine), and the FANSDO (fan behavior tracker) to monitor and survey big data collected from news media and social platforms in Taiwan. The author spent two months to observe and survey the monthly variations of online voice on law enforcement by LEPO from June 16, 2017, to June 15, 2018. The conclusions of this study are as follows. First, online voice and sentiment analysis can serve as supplementary information to insufficient public opinion polling. Second, LEPO accounted for 48.82% of the sum of negative sentiments reflected from online voice, judiciary 50.13% and police authority 36.28%. Third, approximately 170,000 pieces of online voice in relation to LEPO were found during the surveyed year. Online voice rippled from "news media" to "forums". Fourth, the issues concerning judicial reform such as "vexatious litigation" and "rotation of prosecutors for the 1st & 2nd instances" gained support from the public online. Fifth, the negative sentiments expressed from online voice concerning LEPO were prone to major political events. Sixth, the analysis of sentimental ratio revealed that online public opinion showed support to prosecutors when they personally led a team and made efforts to defend social security. Seventh, online voice and favorability on "LEPO" are clearly distinct from those on courts and police authority. The suggestions made in this study are described below. First, it is urged to continuously analyze the public's online voice and sentiments in connection with LEPO based on the data collected from the Internet and public opinions. Second, the image of "LEPO" can be improved via effective media PR promotions. Third, effective public sentiment analysis on law enforcement by LEPO can help map out accurate coping strategies dealing with the media. Fourth, it is necessary to keep paying intensive attention to the voice from rank-and file prosecutors and curb vexatious litigation. Fifth, it is advised that the image of justice presenting by LEPO should be strengthened. On the other hand, efforts should be made to remove the conceptual associations between LEPO and political disputes and judicial injustice. Sixth, it is suggested that researchers conducting future studies find more explicit evidence regarding the hypothesis that "the general public's confusion over the job responsibilities held by the judiciary have led to decreasing satisfaction of the judicial system". Seventh, in response to the rise of the information era, the Ministry of Justice and its affiliated prosecutors agencies should distribute more resources to establish a new set of self-efficacy examination mechanism and model in order to timely and sufficiently deal with public issues.


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