  • 會議論文
  • OpenAccess


Research on the Legislation of Community Correction in Taiwan: Taking the China Mainland Community Correction Law as a Reference




In Taiwan, "To Strengthen the Social Safety Net" is an important government policy. Community correction should help criminals return to society, protect social security, and can help to strengthen the social safety net. Unfortunately, Taiwan government does not pay attention to use community corrections. In contrast, China Mainland attaches great importance to use community corrections, and completed the legislation "PRC Community Correction Law" in 2019, which has been implemented in July 2020. In China Mainland, Community Correction Law has some characteristics: the legislative goal is to use supervision, education and assistance to help criminals return to society. At the same time, avoid social repel criminals, and use technological equipment for community corrections. For Taiwan, it's worthy of reference. This paper advises on Taiwan Law: Taiwan needs to make the Community Correction Law, and increase the manpower of the probation. To develop community correction seriously, Taiwan society can be safer.
