  • 期刊


The Descendants Noble Clans in the Period of Latter Chou and Sui Dynasty


北齊是高歡家族建立的朝代(550-577),這個政權最核心的勢力,當然是跟隨高歡從晉州東下河北建義的六鎮軍士,以及河北當地支持信都建義漢人塢堡,這些創業元勳和他們的子弟,就構成了《北齊書》裡一再出現的「勳貴」集團,他們集中晉陽地區,擁有極強的戰鬥力,主要任務是負責對蠕蠕、突厥和關中北周的作戰。 北齊滅亡後,這批舊北齊勳貴,被新興的周隋帝國所吸納,但卻成為華北統一皇朝中不安的因子,舉凡日後周、隋的內部叛亂,像北周河北的塢堡起事,尉迥、司馬消難、王謙的聯軍,楊隋時楊諒起事,到唐高祖的太原元從,這些北齊勳貴和山西兵幾乎無役不與;李世民招撫「山東豪傑」,也與這些舊北齊胡漢勳貴和軍人息息相關。他們反映了山東人和長安政權對抗的特殊地位,也造成直到貞觀年間太宗仍對山東人、關中人「意有同異」的結果。 本文針對這群舊北齊勳貴,討論他們參與反周或反隋戰役的情形,分析事件的成因,以及最後和關隴集團邁向結合的結果。


北齊 統治集團 勳貴


The North Chi was founded by the family of Kao Hwan, its core power certainly was the Six Chen that followed Kao Hwan going to Ho-pei from Chin-Chou, and those Han people Wu-pao(塢堡). These people and their descendants consist of repeatedly appeared so-called noble clans in the history of North Chi Su. They centered in the region of Chin-yang, having extremely strong battle ability to fight Turks and the North Chou. After the end of the North Chi, these noble clans became members of the replaced Latter Chou and then Sui as well as became unstable reasons in the new empires. Most of the rebellions in the new empires were related to them, even relating to Tang's foundation. These noble clans represented as symbols of the fighting between San-tong and the government in Chan-an. They also contributed to the attitude of Tang Tai-chon to treat people from San-tong so differently from those in Chan-an. This essay study on these noble clans' rebelling battles to Latter Chou and Sui to find out the possible reasons. And also try to analyze why and how they combined with the governorship.


North Chi Latter Chou Sui Tang, governorship the noble clans



