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A study related to the effectiveness of constructing and applying Virtual Reality Teaching System to the social skill training for students with autism




Due to the medical treatment and the educational diagnosis are gradually full, the number of confirmed cases of students with Autism is rising in Taiwan. There are not only serious deficits in social skills but also a tremendous lack of understanding of abstract and cognitive concepts. Therefore, the concept of how to let students with Autism can quickly understand the environment they are being in and fit in the social interaction is the primary mission. There were many types of research applied virtual reality on the early rehabilitation and teaching of students with physical and mental disabilities, students with Autism were one of them, too. Owing to the lack of researches of applying virtual reality on students with Autism in social interaction cases, and the type of researches is only in Question-Answer style which let students with Autism enter the virtual reality to choose the proper or better choice in the social interacting situation. This has very big differences from the researches abroad, which let the students with Autism own the style of open answer and experiences of real interaction. Through the literature review and current related data, this article shows that the application of virtual reality in autistic students has gradually matured. Through the intervention of virtual reality, Autistic students can repeat drills to make up for the weaker abilities in real life. Including social skills, daily etiquette, life management, and skill training, most autistic students have improved their emotional expression and control, social cognition and interactive skills, life skills and categorization skills after receiving relevant teaching and practicing. Through this paper, we hope that we can help virtual reality teaching to apply to the social skills and living etiquette of autistic students, and look forward the conclusion to reference for the virtual reality teaching of autistic students in the future.


Virtual Reality Autism Social skills Social Story


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