  • 期刊


An Investigation into High-performance Independent Study Instructors' Instructing Process


獨立研究教學是引導資優生成爲知識生產者的重要課程活動之一,本研究採質性研究訪談的方式,針對國內12位表現優良的獨立研究指導教師,探討其指導研究的原因、教學歷程,及對國小資優班實施獨立研究教學的建議,本研究所獲致結論如下: 1.表現優良的指導教師擔任指導工作的原因,就內在因素而言,指導教師本身的意願、興趣是重要的動機因素;就外在因素來說,多數指導教師是因爲獲獎的成功經驗。此外,喜歡創新教學、追根究底的精神,也是指導教師共同具有的特質。 2.表現優良的指導教師在教學前,都很重視規劃、準備的工作;在教學實施的過程,會引導學生尋找適當研究主題、系統性的規劃教學流程、佈置教學情境、善用教學策略與方法、指導學生撰寫研究報告以及評鑑研究報告;在教學後,會強調學生學習策略的運用與後設認知的學習,並進行教學反思,以達教學策略與方法的精益求精。 3.表現優良的獨立研究指導教師認爲國小實施獨立研究教學應:(1)著重學生科學方法和態度的培養;(2)引導學生實地思考、動手做,著重實作學習的經驗;(3)長期規劃培養相關能力,提供學生觀摩學習的機會;(4)重視師生互動,維持學生對研究的興趣。


Independent study, IS for short, instruction has been an important learning activity ushering gifted students gradually into becoming knowledge producers. Twelve high-performance IS instructors from across this country were interviewed in this qualitative study, which investigates why IS has interested these teachers, and what has been involved and included in instructing process. After the author has generalized her ideas from these instructors' suggestions on the IS teaching in the elementary school gifted classes, she offers her own findings as follows: A. It is their willingness and interest, internally speaking, that have motivated these high-performance teachers to be IS instructors; another motivation, externally speaking, came from that they had experienced the success joy of having received rewards as excellent IS teachers. Additionally, they all shared the common characteristics of liking innovative teaching and having the get-to-the-bottom research spirit. B. Having a well-thought-out plan in mind and preparing in advance have been two of these excellent teachers' routine tasks before each teaching. During the whole teaching process, they would guide their gifted students to look for proper research topics, systematically arrange each teaching process and situation, make good use of teaching strategies and methods, give suggestions and directions on students' research paper writings, and evaluate their papers. And after each teaching process is done, they would have the students emphasize on the application of learned learning strategies and be focused on the learning of metacognition. The teachers would also engage on post-teaching reflections with the vision of striving for perfection in teaching strategies and methods. C. These high-performance IS instructors were convinced that an IS program should at least have the following functions: 1. It should be focused on creating a breeding and nurturing ground for the students' scientific approaches and attitudes. 2. It is able to create a practical hands-on experience in that the students could think, do, and learn from this experience. 3. It is a long-term program that could train and bring up the abilities they need and will need in this program and others. On top of that, giving them the opportunity to observe what other people and students have done is also one of the program's important goals. 4. Lastly, this program ought to give weight to the provision of an environment in which the teachers and students can interact well and effectively. It also functions as an engine that can uphold and maintain the students' research interests.




