  • 期刊


The Grammaticalization of V-diao in Taiwan Mandarin


本文研究目的有三:(一)藉由對「掉」的語法化研究,釐清「V掉」從動結構式(RVC) 發展為「動相標記」的過程中,二者的分界點在哪裡?即它們的不同語法地位如何進行區分的問題;(二)「掉」在與「狀態動詞」結合的情形是經由什麼機制發展出「不正常」、「不理想」、「不如預期」等負面語意?(三)臺灣華語與北京華語在「V掉」的語法化進程方面有沒有不同?即目前二者在用法上有沒有明顯的區別?如果有的話,可能的原因為何?本文的發現將對漢語動結構式繼續語法化進程的了解做出有意義的貢獻,對兩岸的華語文教學也會有深遠的啟示。


This paper aims to answer the following research questions: (1) The diao in V-diao RVC has been observed to be undergoing a grammatical change into a phase marker. So our question is: Where is the dividing line between diao as a second element of a RVC and as a phase marker; (2) diao when in construction with certain stative verbs like huang (yellow) and luo (low) has generated an additional meaning of having something abnormal, undesirable or unexpected. What is the mechanism involved that brings about this change? Diao in both Taiwan Mandarin and Peiking Mandarin has been observed to be undergoing the above mentioned change. But are they progressing at more or less the same speed? If there are differences between the two, what is a possible reason for them? Our findings with regard to these questions will not only go a long way in our understanding of the mechanism of change involved but will yield a number of implications for Mandarin teaching in Taiwan and the Mainland China.


小川尚義 Ogawa Naoyoshi 主編,《日臺大辭典》Ri Tai Dacidian ,臺北 Taipei:臺灣總督府 Taiwan Zongdufu,1907。
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