  • 期刊


Request and Disclosure of Information before Voluntary Tender Offer




In practice, most tender offers are voluntary rather than hostile. Before reaching an agreement, there are inevitably negotiations between the buyer and the target company's management and/or its shareholders. If the buyer or the shareholder requests the target company to provide information to evaluate the sufficiency of the tender price, are they entitled to do so? Few discussions cover this issue. Article 210 of the Corporation Act entitles the shareholders to inspect the books and records, but such inspection right only allows them to inspect the shareholder meeting minutes, financial statements, shareholder roster and the counterfoil of corporate bonds issued by the corporation, which is obviously insufficient for the shareholders to understand the value of their shares. This article traces the origin of the relevant provision in the Delaware General Corporation Laws and argues that, based on the fiduciary duties of the directors and the officers, shareholders are entitled to the right of inspection in order to understand the value of their shares. On the other hand, in the event of sale of company, when the directors negotiate with the buyer, they are obligated to pursue the highest price available for the shareholders to fulfill their Revlon duty. Within the scope of Revlon duty, the buyer should also be entitled to request the company to provide information for the evaluation of tender offer price. This article proposes a mechanism of information inspection and disclosure at the pre-tender offer stage.


立法院(2002),〈立法院第四屆第六會期第十三次會議紀錄〉,《立法院公報》,91 卷10 期( 上), 頁2-442。
