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A Study of Relationship among Tourist Image, Satisfaction and Revisiting in Jiou-fen, Taipei-A Case Study for Japanese Tourist


隨著全球經濟成長、交通網絡與科技發達、資訊傳遞速度越趨快速成長,國際資訊交流相當便利,人們開始重視工作以外的休閒生活。我國自2002年推動「觀光客倍增計畫」以來,來台外籍遊客人次大幅增加,而日籍遊客一直是來台外籍遊客的最大宗族群,也是觀光團體遊客平均消費額最高的國家。許多學者皆指出,遊客對於旅遊目的地之意象,不僅會影響旅遊目的地的抉擇,更會影響其旅遊後之感受,進而影響重遊意願 與推薦意願。因此,目的地意象的包裝與宣傳被視為是重要的行銷手法。九份由於其歷史背景與地理位置特殊,目前是台灣北部地區重要的觀光景點,本研究以「九份地區」日籍遊客作為實證研究對象,研究目的旨在探討九份日籍遊客的旅遊意象、滿意度與重遊意願之間的影響程度與因果關係;研究方法為問卷調查法,資料分析法採用敘述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、獨立樣本T檢定、單因子變異數分析、結構方程模型、路徑分析。研究結果發現:(1)不同人口統計變項在觀光意象、滿意度與重遊意願上具有顯著性差異。(2)觀光意象對於滿意與重遊意願有正面影響效果。(3)滿意度對於重遊意願有正面影響效果。(4)日籍遊客或者本國遊客,在重遊意願構面上均有顯著性差異。


Since Taiwan promoted ”Doubling Tourist Arrivals Plus” in 2002, the number of foreign tourists has boosted substantially. For a long time, Japanese tourists were the primary foreign visitors, so attracting more Japanese tourists to visit and consume in Taiwan was an important subject of tourism development of Taiwan. A lot of scholars all pointed out that tourist image of visitors influenced not only choice of the destination but also the feeling after traveling, and then it influenced the will of revisiting and recommendation.Due to its historical background and special geographical position, Jiou-fen was an important sight-seeing resort of northern Taiwan at present. The empirical object of this research was Japanese tourists and Taiwan tourists in Jiou-fen. The purpose of research aimed at the influence degree and causality among tourist image, satisfaction, and revisiting of Japanese tourists and Taiwan tourists in Jiou-fen. The method of this research was questionnaire survey, the data analysis adopted descriptive statistics, independent-sample T test, one-way ANOVA, factor analysis, structural equation model and path analysis. The result of research showed the (1) Different population statistics variables of the tourist's tourist image, satisfaction and revisiting have obvious difference; (2) The tourist image of Japanese tourists and Taiwan tourists had direct on satisfaction and revisiting; (3) Satisfaction was a key factor of revisiting; (4) Japanese tourists or Taiwan tourists, a significant difference in the the revisiting willingness structure surface both.


