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Applying Fuzzy Theory to a Comparison of City Bus Service Quality


高雄大都會繼捷運紅線、橘線、第一階段環狀輕軌陸續開通行駛後,行政院於2017年3月23日宣布將於2020年正式動工興建高雄捷運黃線,使高雄地區的大眾交通運輸更加完善,同時也反應出高雄捷運系統將更需要與相應的公車接駁系統配套,以利城市交通運輸系統得以發揮功效,創造府會與市民的雙贏價值。本研究以Parasuraman, Zeithmal & Berry(1985, 1988)提出的PZB服務品質模式第五項缺口SERVQUAL量表的五大構面-有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性、關懷性構面實施問卷調查,並利用模糊理論(Fuzzy Theory)的模糊語意轉換、模糊權重計算、解模糊化取得各項服務品質評估準則之衡量,進行分析乘客對公車服務品質滿意度的評價,並比較高雄市四家公民營公車營運服務業者的服務品質滿意度之評鑑結果,以此提供公車服務品質改善之依據。對於PZB模式的五個評量項目,以S公車公司於各構面的表現都領先其他三家客運業者,S公車公司在有形性、可靠性、反應性、保證性、關懷性上面都獲得乘客相當正面的回應。整體而言,所有客運業者在保證性構面獲得較多的肯定,而在關懷性構面的部份則獲得普遍較低的滿意度,需要所有客運業者致力於改善提供個別服務和關懷。最後提出對後續研究之建議與研究之結論以供相關業界參考


Due to the operation of Kaohsiung MRT, the public transportation of Kaohsiung city has a great improvement. The sustainable development of MRT should accompany with other public transportation system such as bus, otherwise the urbanization and the competitiveness of the city will be influenced. Base on the operation of Kaohsiung MRT, the bus system of Kaohsiung city will have a chance to create a win-win situation A research framework is developed based on the service quality constructs, namely tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy, as well as SERVQUAL questionnaire proposed by Parasuraman, Zeithmal, and Berry (1985, 1988). The Fuzzy theory is further applied to obtain the weight of each criterion and evaluate the quality of bus services. A comparison of service quality is also made among four private bus companies. The result is expected to be a basis for improving the bus services. The research result shows that the S Bus Company has achieved better evaluation of all constructs in PZB mode, which means the S Bus Company has received high satisfaction on tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. In summary, all the four bus companies have received higher satisfaction on assurance but lower satisfaction on empathy which should be improved in the future. A discussion for further research and suggestions for bus companies are given as references.


