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  • OpenAccess


Rethinking the tourist gaze through the landscape of Alishan Railroad


阿里山森林鐵道見證台灣百年來的歷史更迭,並且經歷頻繁的地震、颱風等天災洗禮,迄今依然堅守崗位。結合當地鄒族原住民文化,以及當地林業發展史,阿里山森林鐵道在自然與文化體驗上有其無可取代的地位。本研究從觀光客的角度探討阿里山森林鐵道具有文化與自然元素的觀光地景,分為三個層面:觀光的景點如何建構?如何中介阿里山森林鐵道此一觀光景點,建構出觀光客對於阿里山森林鐵道景點的想像與凝視;探討遊客其旅遊目的地的動機及吸引力,描繪出觀光客搭乘阿里山森林鐵道的旅遊實踐。研究顯示,阿里山森林鐵道是台灣旅遊的亮點,也是重要的觀光聖地,更是嘉義地區觀光產業展的源頭,特別是作為 “觀光客凝視”的目的。研究結果,阿里山森林鐵道已成為“觀光客凝視”的產物,並得到實證,阿里山森林鐵道現在是台灣旅遊的主要景點和旅遊推廣代表中心。


Alishan Forest Railway witnessed the history of Taiwan over the past 100 years, and experienced frequent earthquakes, typhoons and other natural scourge, so far still stick to the post. Combined with the Zou indigenous culture, as well as the history of local forestry development, Alishan Forest Railway in the natural and cultural experience has its irreplaceable position. This study from the perspective of tourists to explore the Alishan Forest Railway with cultural and natural elements of the tourist landscape, divided into three levels: how to build tourist attractions? How to mediate the Alishan Forest Railway this sightseeing spots, to build a tourist for the Alishan Forest Railway sight of the imagination and staring; to explore the tourist destination of its tourist attraction and attractiveness, depicting the tourists take the Alishan Forest Railway tourism practice The study shows that the Alishan Forest Railway is the highlight of Taiwan's tourism, and it is also an important tourist destination. It is also the source of the tourism industry in Chiayi area, especially as the "tourists gaze". The results of the study, Alishan Forest Railway has become a "spectator gaze" product, and get evidence; Alishan Forest Railway is now the main tourist attractions in Taiwan and tourism promotion representative center.


