  • 期刊


Students with Visual Impairment Relating Color with Figurative and Abstract forms a Study of the Taipei School for the Visually Impaired


本研究旨在探討視覺障礙學生對於色彩的概念,以台北市立啟明學校國高中(職)學生共73名為對象,以問卷請教他們對於紅、橙、黃、綠、藍、靛(藍紫色)、紫等色彩的聯想,問卷回收53份,回收率71%。研究結果,視覺障礙學生對於色彩的聯想,具體的語彙佔九成二;抽象的語彙有佔百分之八;其中具體語彙中有關於食物方面的佔三成七;色彩聯想語詞量依序為紅色、綠色、黃色、藍色、紫色、橙色、靛(藍紫色)。茲將視障學生對於色彩聯想的前幾項及相關訊息歸納如下:1.紅色的聯想方面:具體的語彙有蘋果、血、紅燈、草莓、紅包等;抽象的語彙有熱情、生氣、愛心、活力、活潑等。具體的語彙佔九成一,抽象的語彙佔百分之九;而具體語彙部分,聯想到食物方面佔六成五。2.橙色的聯想方面:具體的語彙有橘子、柳丁、椅子、夕陽、菊花等;抽象的語彙有熱情、光芒、活力、溫暖等。具體的語彙佔九成二,抽象的語彙佔百分之八;而具體語彙部分,聯想到食物方面佔六成四。3.黃色的聯想方面:具體的語彙有香蕉、太陽、計程車、黃燈、鳳梨等;抽象的語彙有海棉寶寶、暴力、笑容、笑話、開心等。具體的語彙佔八成七,抽象的語彙佔一成三;而具體語彙部分,聯想到食物方面佔四成一。4.綠色的聯想方面:具體的語彙有草原、樹木、樹葉、綠燈、民進黨、黑板等; 抽象的語彙有環保、溫暖、綠巨人浩克、史瑞克等。具體的語彙佔九成七,抽象的語彙佔百分之三;而具體語彙部分,聯想到食物方面佔一成八。5.藍色的聯想方面:具體的語彙有天空、海洋、國民黨、水、馬英九等;抽象的語彙有難過、憂鬱、寒冷、上課好煩、美國隊長、鐵掌無敵等。具體的語彙佔九成三,抽象的語彙佔百分之七;而具體語彙部分,聯想到食物方面佔百分之三點五。6.靛(藍紫)色的聯想方面:具體的語彙有彩虹、雷電、教室的門、深海、衣服等;抽象的語彙有冷淡、深不可測、憂鬱、黯淡、噁心等。具體的語彙佔八成七,抽象的語彙佔一成三;而具體語彙部分,聯想到食物方面接近一成四。7.紫色的聯想方面:具體的語彙有茄子、葡萄、薰衣草、瘀青、衣服等;抽象的語彙有愉快、浪漫、變態、高貴、神秘等。具體的語彙佔九成四,抽象的語彙佔百分之六,而具體語彙部分,聯想到食物方面接近五成。


視覺障礙 色彩聯想


This study aims to explore the relationship relating color with specific and abstract forms of visually impaired students color. The survey was undertaken by 73 students from Taipei School for the Visually Impaired including junior, senior and vocational. The survey asked students how they associate the colors of the spectrum with figurative and abstract forms. 53 students responded to the survey, giving it a recovery rat of 71%. The results were as flows: 92% of students responded to color with figurative forms. 8% of students responded to color with abstract forms. For specific forms, 37% of students responded with food answers. The most popular associative color order was as follows: red, green, yellow, blue, purple, orange and indigo. Here are the results for impaired students color association: 1. Red: Specific-apple, blood, strawberry, red envelope; abstract-passion, angry, love, vitality, liveliness. 91% of forms responded to specific forms, 9% of forms responded to abstract forms. For specific forms, 65% of students responded with food. 2. Orange: Specific-orange, mandarin, chair, sunset, chrysanthemums; abstract-passion, brilliant, vitality, warm. 92% forms responded to specific forms, 8% forms responded to abstract forms. For specific forms, 64% of students responded with food. 3. Yellow: Specific-banana, sun, taxi, yellow light, pineapple; abstract- SpongeBob Square Pants, violence, smile, joke, happy. 87% forms responded to specific forms, 13% forms responded to abstract forms. For specific forms, 41% of students responded with food. 4. Green: Specific-grassland, tree, tree leaves, green light, Democratic Progressive Party(DPP), black board; abstract-environment-friendly, warm, Hulk, Shrek. 97% forms responded to specific forms, 3% forms responded to abstract forms. For specific forms, 18% of students responded with food. 5. Blue: Specific-sky, ocean, Kuomintang (KMT), water, Ma Ying-Jeou; abstract-sad, disconsolate, cold, boring class, Captain America, The invincible iron palm. 93% forms responded to specific forms, 7% forms responded to abstract forms. For specific forms, 3.5% of students responded with food. 6. Indigo: Specific-rainbow, thunder and lightning, door in class room, abysmal sea, clothes; abstractapartness, unfathomable, disconsolate, dull, disgust. 87% forms responded to specific forms, 13% forms responded to abstract forms. 14% of students responded with food. 7. Purple: Specific-eggplant, grape, lavender, bruises, cloth; abstract-cheerful, romantic, prevent, elegant, mystery. 94% forms responded to specific forms, 6% forms responded to abstract forms. 5% of students responded with food.


Visual impairment Color association


