  • 期刊


The Utilization of Cognitive Service for Traditional Chinese Medicine




Background: Cognitive service is that pharmacists swap medication may be doubts, and physicians further contact discussion, modify the prescription and readjustment process. Previous studies have found that pharmacist-based cognitive services can reduce the waste of medical resources, improve drug safety, and prescribe the accuracy. Therefore, the Ministry of Health and Welfare and Pharmacists Association in Taiwan to promote cognitive services to all levels of medical units. However, there is still no real study to assess the use of cognitive services in the case of Chinese medicine swap. In this study, by analyzing the database of pharmacy department of the regional teaching hospital, we try to know the application of judgment service in Chinese medicine dispensing. Methods: This study was to analyze the pharmacy department database of Taipei City Hospital from 2011 to 2016 and to select the case of prescription cognitive service. According to the AABBCC code table established by the Association of Chinese Pharmacists Association to analyze the suspected (AA code), pharmacist advice (BB code), and physician response (CC code). The frequency and frequency of occurrence of problems within each sub-item, and the ratio of the total number of cases. Results: From 2011 to the end of May 2016, 97 cases were collected in this study. Analysis of drug treatment problems Abnormal dose is the most common, which accounted for 44% of the total dose is too low, the dose is too high in 6 cases. Also, the common types of errors include 21 cases of incorrect administration and 12 cases of repeated drug use. Pharmacists involved in the proposed changes in the dose of a total of 50 cases, followed by the proposed change in drug interval in 25 cases, and the suggested time to disable specific drugs in 12 cases. After the physician had accepted the pharmacist's judgment, 47 had the decision to change the dose, and 27 had a change in medication interval, with fewer drugs and less. Conclusions: The pharmacist's cognitive service is still in the field of Chinese medicine. With the assistance and advice of the pharmacist, the Chinese medicine physician can reduce the possibility of taking wrong medication on dose, increase the safety of medicines and reduce the unexpected error.


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