  • 期刊


Political Power, Political Authority and Political Obligation


在什麼條件下,我們每個人都有遵守法律的道德義務?這是所謂政治義務的問題。本文將政治義務的問題與三種正當性問題區分開來,並對政治義務的成立基礎,提出一種可能的答案。根據本文的分析,在政治論述中,正當性問題可能指:(1)國家存在的正當性問題(2)政治權威的正當性問題,以及(3)政治權力的正當性問題。本文考察了這三層意思的正當性與政治義務的關係,指出每一種正當性作為政治義務之基礎的限制。針對政治權威的正當性與政治義務之關係,本文考察了英國哲學家雷茲(Joseph Raz)的主要論點。本文最後論證:當國家克盡對其社會成員的道德義務時,社會成員便有政治義務,而且在社會成員沒有(表示)同意要服從國家的統治之情況下,僅當國家克盡對其社會成員的道德義務時,社會成員才有政治義務。本文同時也簡略地討論了美國哲學家鐸肯(Ronald Dworkin)的「原則一貫性」理論。鐸肯將政治義務的證成視為比較根本的任務,認為政治權力的正當性必須訴諸政治義務來說明。本文接受鐸肯的觀點,並將鐸肯的「原則一貫性」理論與「國家克盡對其社會成員的道德義務」這項條件接軌,試圖為政治義務的成立基礎提出有別於同意論的分析架構。


Under what conditions, do citizens, if they do, have a moral obligation to obey the law? This is the problem of political obligation, which I argue should be distinguished from the problem of legitimacy. There are three contexts in which the problem of legitimacy may arise. It may concern with the legitimacy of the existence of the state, the legitimacy of political authorities, or the legitimacy of political powers. In this paper I examine the relation between these three types of legitimacy and political obligation. It is argued that all of them fall short of providing the grounds for political obligation. I reconstruct Joseph Raz's view of authority and his analysis of the grounds of legitimate political authorities, to show that obligation to obey the law based on legitimate political authorities is limited and relative to individuals' capacities and circumstances. The main thesis of this paper is that when the state fulfills its moral obligations toward citizens (to a certain extent), citizens acquire the moral obligation to obey its laws, and that only when the state fulfills its moral obligations toward citizens (to a certain extent), will those citizens who do not consent to obey the state have political obligation. This paper is meant to offer an alternative to the consent theory for understanding political obligation. My argument appeals to the ideal of integrity, as defended by Ronald Dworkin in his Law's Empire.


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