  • 期刊


A Nursing Experience of Applying Cognitive Therapy to a Patient with Persistent Depressive Disorder




There is an increase in the numbers of clinical depression in recent years. People who are depressed tend to have negative thoughts. The use of cognitive therapy in treating depression may improve their behavior and self-worth. This article presents a nursing experience of a patient with low self-esteem and persistent depressive disorder from June 13 to July 15, 2018. The therapeutic relationship established through regular dialogue, emotional support, and a solicitude and empathetic attitude. The process of five facts of psychiatric assessment lead to the nursing diagnoses of this patient: 1) the risk of self-harm, 2) sleep disturbance, 3) inefficient coping skills, and 4) low self-esteem. The patient's sleep disturbance resolved after he was discharged from military. Cognitive therapy used included psychological counseling, reconstruction, reattribution, homework assignment, completing hierarchical task, and discussing hypothetical experiments. The therapeutic relationship of listening and accompanying helped the patient to recognize deviations in his cognition and automatic thinking process. The patient was able to discuss the cause of incident and self-correct his negative thinking. The patient demonstrated improved self-esteem, coping skill, self-confidence, self-evaluation, and avoid self-harm behavior.


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