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Some Aspects of Bioecology of the Peninsular Indian Slug Mariaella dussumieri (Gray) [Pulmonata, Ariophantidae]

印度半島蛞蝓Mariaella dussumieri(Gray)的生態學觀察。(腹足綱,似阿勇蛞蝓科)



The peninsular Indian slugs Mariaella dussumieri (Gray) are found active for a period of 9 months (March-November). They use to overcome the winter months (December-February) through hibernation. In nature, they have a wide range of food plant acceptability. The feeding and foraging activities are confined to night hours. In nature, the breeding period extends from March to November. The egg laying and other breeding activities are maintained almost at an equal tempo during the whole active period. In laboratory, they thrived well on lettuce and mustard, while maintained at constant 20℃ in a BOD chamber. They attained sexual maturity at the age of 308 days. A pair of individuals, in their life span of 371 and 456 days, laid a total of 114 eggs in 5 clutches. The eggs are laid in cluster. An egg is connected with another egg by the help of a sticky mucoid thread supported by the hooks produced by the outer membrane of the egg concerned. The eggs are round in shape and white in colour. An egg was measured 3.8 mm in diameter and 19.2 mg in weight. The eggs hatched between 42-46 days.


Gastropoda Pulmonata Slug Ecology


印度半島蛞蝓Mariaella dussumieri(Gray)僅在每年三月至十一月的九個月間有活動,十二月至二月的冬天季節冬眠。在自然環境裡,它們會攝食廣汎的農作物。夜間才出來搜尋攝食其餌料。繁殖的期間也是自三月至十一月。產卵及其他成育的活動(例如孵化。)也在這期間按照一定的速度進行。在研究室裡,它們於攝氏廿度恆溫下,攝取萵苣、芥菜後都有良好的發育。孵化308天後它們達到性成熟,有一對個體分別活了317天及456天在這期間,產下五次卵,總共114個卵。產出的各卵都被強粘稠性絲狀物粘著。即各個卵殼的外表有卵殼本身變質的彎鈎。這鉤子緊縮地鈎著粘稠絲狀物,使各個卵體相連成為一團塊。各卵體是圓形,呈白色,大小約3.8公厘直徑,重量19.2毫克,經42天乃至46天後孵化。這印度半島西部的蛞蝓Mariaella dussumieri(Gray)是廣汎棲息在農園或花園,但其生物學或生態學的資料所知甚少。因此著者等在本文報告其觀察的結果。


腹足綱 有肺亞綱 蛞蝓 生態學
