  • 期刊


A Specific Day Care Program for Young Adults with Mild Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Three-Cases Study


目的:針對輕度自閉症類群障礙年輕成人患者,探討完整的日間留院治療模式,以提升患者人際互動、職業適應與社區獨立生活功能,進而改善其生活品質。方法:招募輕度自閉症類群障礙成人患者,進行為期半年的半天日間留院治療,治療內容包括心理諮詢、人際互動、工作適應、社區融合、休閒安排、自我照顧等層面;使用成人自閉症量表(Autism-Spectrum Questionnaire)、同理心量表(Empathy Questionnaire)、友誼量表(Friendship Questionnaire)、臺灣簡明版世界衛生組織生活品質問卷等評估工具,並佐以質性分析評估療效。結果:三位患者在自閉症量表及生活品質量表中對環境滿意度的分數皆出現逐步下降及提升之狀況,其中有兩位患者於此方案治療中或治療後短期內順利就業。結論:此短期積極治療方案具有相當的挑戰性,然而是可行的。它可協助患者改善自閉症症狀,增進環境生活品質滿意度,並提升就業成功率與社區參與度。其中,患者有明確的復健目標、工作動機強烈、家庭支持度高、家人對患者有適切的期待以及未合併其他情緒問題,可能是患者順利進入職場與融入社區的有利因子。


Objective: This study was aimed to develop a comprehensive day care model for young adults with mild autism spectrum disorder. The treatment program was designed to enhance those young people's functions in interpersonal skills, occupation and community participation, which hence to improve their quality of life. Methods: We conducted a specific six-month comprehensive day care program which included physical and mental health selfmanagement, interpersonal skill training, preoccupational training, community resource utilization and leisure activities arrangement for young adults with mild autism spectrum disorder. Autism-Spectrum Questionnaire, Empathy Questionnaire, Friendship Questionnaire and Quality of life Questionnaire (WHOQOL-BREF: Taiwan Version) were used in combination with data gathered from observation for quality analysis of treatment effectiveness. Results: Three patients with mild autism spectrum disorder were recruited. All the patients showed improvements in Autism-Spectrum Quotient and the environmental satisfaction subscale of Quality of life Questionnaire. Two of them got employed soon after this intervention. Conclusion: This specific day care program was workable, though challenging enough. It did help these young adults with mild autism spectrum disorder in reduction of autistic symptoms and in improving their quality of life. It also enhanced their successful vocational placement and community participation. We found that factors, such as clear and practical goals, strong motivation for employment, high family support with appropriate expectations, and no comorbidity of other psychiatric disorders, are probably related with better outcomes.


