  • 期刊


Action Research on Innovative Children Water Ink Painting Course for Early Childhood Education Majors




The early childhood education majors' cognition and practice of the "Children's Water Ink Painting" course are directly correlated to their future instruction in kindergartens. Traditional Chinese water ink paintings should be used in kindergartens and their content and techniques must be innovative enough to make children enjoy water ink painting. Moreover, crayons and color pencils cannot be the only the media in kindergarten art classes and water ink painting can provide both teachers and young children with more choices. Researchers believe that the pre-service training course for pre-school teachers should be designed based on this concept, so that the pre-school education teachers can understand the history and future development of water ink painting from the cognitive domain. The various skills from Chinese and Western painting methods can be combined to match the children's development. Early childhood education majors should personally experiment with various painting techniques. Therefore, this paper conducts this action research as a leading study on the long-term curriculum reform research, and analyzes the research purpose, implementation and results in detail, in order to establish a preliminary concept for the teacher's "Children's Water Ink Painting" course.


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