  • 期刊


The Application of Aromatherapy-Stress Relief through Inhale Essential Oils


長期處在壓力下,會影響到我們的神經系統。人體的許多神經是無法由大腦控制的,如心跳、血壓、呼吸、心臟跳動,是意識無法控制的部分,稱為自律神經。當自律神經失調時,維持身體內在平衡工作的機制就會失衡。最常見的症狀是頭痛、偏頭痛、記憶差、氣喘、高血壓、以及腸胃不適、胸悶、胸痛、睡眠品質不佳、失眠、活力差、倦怠等,甚至有些研究發現壓力跟癌症也有關係。HRV(Heart Rhythm Variation是評估自律神經系統最新、最精準的檢查。它精密的檢查出交感神經和副交感神經功能的作用力以及是否平衡,對於自律神經失調症,可提供正確的診斷及紓壓治療效果後的客觀評估。對於HRV檢查後,判定為自律神經失調症者,或自覺身心承受高壓力者,建議進行積極的紓壓保健。芳療、冥想、瑜珈、運動、水療SPA、按摩、度假是最為大眾所接受的紓壓方法,本文提供芳香療法在紓壓運用的綜論,以期幫助讀者能夠成功的自我實踐精油紓壓,平衡自律神經,防治壓力衍生的疾病,提高生活品質。


芳療 紓壓 精油 芳香冥想


The cognition and need for hospice care is an important determinant factor for policy-making. As to improve the care for the community, Cardinal Tien hospital tried to collect information relating to the attitude and need of the people under its care in the community to analyze the factors that may promote the future development of hospice care. It has negative impact on nervous system under long-term pressure. Lots of nerves in human body cannot be controlled by the cerebrum such as heart beat, blood pressure, and respiration. It is called autonomic nervous system which could not be controllable by human consciousness. Dysautonimia may cause disorder of physical balance. The most common syndrome which result from dysautonimia include headache, migraine, bad memory, pains, high blood pressure, stomach upset, suffocating, chest pain, bad quality of sleep, insomnia, tiredness. Researches even indicate the positive relation between cancer and stress. HRV is the latest and precise evaluation system for autonomia. It can precisely detect if the sympathetic nerve and the parasympathetic nerve are poised. HRV can provide accurate diagnosis for dysautonimia and objective evaluation for the effectiveness of treatment for stress relief. It is suggested to conduct constructive health care for those who are gauged as dysautonimia by HRV or feel under high pressure. Aromatherapy, Yoga, taking exercise, meditation, water therapy, massage, taking vacation are most common applications for stress relief. This article provides summary of applications for Aromatherapy in stress relief. It is expected to support readers to self practice Aromatherapy for relaxation and ANS balance and also enhance quality of life.


鄒碧鑾(2010)。芳香療法課程介入對銀髮族自覺健康狀況影響之研究 -以台中市南區社區照顧關懷據點銀髮族為例〔碩士論文,朝陽科技大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://www.airitilibrary.com/Article/Detail?DocID=U0078-0601201112112565
