  • 期刊


Herh Drug Rice Milk for Terminal Cancer Patients on Life Satisfaction Assessment


末期癌症病人,必然承受自我身心及家庭社會的壓力。但是隨著各國社會文化背景的不同,病人所面臨的問題也不儘相同。如何發展一套台灣本土化的安寧照顧,則是此次實驗的目的。本實驗採用問卷調查法,本研究將302個病人經統計結果發現:病人原發癌的分布:前五位分別是肺癌(25.5%)、肝癌(12.3%)、大腸直腸癌(10.9%)、胃腸癌(10.6%)、子宮頸癌(5.6%)。病人主訴症狀分布以疼痛(79.1%)所佔的比例高,其次為全身倦怠(68.9%)、食慾不振(46.4%)、發燒(36.4%)、呼吸困難(31.1%)及水腫(30.5%)。本研究期以改善病人主訴之疼痛、全身倦怠及食慾不振為目標,設計製備半流質可口易食用之米漿藥膳每天下午三點定時供予安寧病房之病人作為餐後甜點。302個病人分別分成對照組(111人)級藥膳組(191人),因此對照組僅給予米漿,藥膳組則給予麥門冬米漿(MMD米漿)。經過一個星期,收集問卷,研究結果以生活滿意度(Life Satisfaction)評估。統計結果發現麥門冬米漿湯為基礎調製之藥膳對病人生活滿意度的改善有明顯的提昇。因此藉著傳統中國食療之推展,以期幫助病人支持其精神生活,提高生活品質,並期建立國人之本特色及最適合癌末病人之藥膳食療。


One of the end points of hospice movement is Taiwan in to create the Taiwanese model of hospice care for our people. The trial of Mai-Men-Dong Rice Milk (MMD Rice Milk) was our preliminary effort for this end point. 302 sequential patients were included in this retrospective study. Questionnaire survey for autonomy demonstrated that 191 out of 302 terminal cancer patients (63.2%) were willing to take MMD Rice Milk. The remaining 111 (36.8%) patients who did not take MMD Rice Milk were assumed as the control group. The first five leading primary cancers include Lung CA (25.5%), Liver CA (12.3%), Colorectal CA (10.9%), Stomach CA (10.6%) and Cervical UT. CA (5.6%) comprised the major distribution of disease entity. MMD Rice Milk is prescribed according to the priority of their problem lists which indicated pain (79.1%), weakness (68.9%), non-appetite(46.4%), fever(36.4%), dyspnea (31.1%) and leg edema (30.5%). After admission, assessment and regular medication of palliative care were performed for 1 week. MMD Rice Milk followed with tailored menu and served as dessert between meals for another 1 week. The results were evaluated by life satisfaction, Main components of menu were composed of Opiopgonis tuber, Pinelliae tuber, Zizyphi Fructus, Glycyrrhizae radix, Ginseng radix profounded with rice milk. It is concluded that MMD Rice Milk adjuvantly improves life satisfaction of the terminal cancer patients. In terms of practical and clinical extension of MMD Rice Milk, further prospective randomized study is necessary to be organized.
